June 25, 2011

The Great Garden Taming of 2011

I took a hiatus from tiling the shower the past couple of weekends* because 1. Ryan was traveling for work and 2. our back yard started looking like this:

Jungle-licious, yes?

Umm, no. With the potential for friends or neighbors stopping by over the July 4th weekend, we just couldn't put the weeding off any longer. We picked up some mulch for the front yard and some veggie plants for the back on Friday, and I got to work early this morning. The garage and crepe myrtle give us a little bit of shade in the morning, so I wanted to get out there while it was still somewhat cool. I rounded up my gardening gloves and the trowel and clippers that Ryan gave me for my birthday this year, heavy-duty trash bags, a rake, and a hoe - and yes, "Inch by Inch, Row by Row" was stuck in my head the entire time. Roughly five hours later, I have mosquito bites, blistered fingers, and thighs that can no longer move into the squatting position, but I also have my patio back!

I also finally planted our vegetable garden. This year, we chose four kinds of tomatoes (Early Girl, Taxi, Brandywine, and Beefsteak) and two hot peppers. We also have lettuce that carried over from last year, basil, and a mystery squash. We've never planted squash, so we're not sure where it came from. I guess we'll let it grow and see what we end up with. Our tomatoes are never particularly successful - neighborhood squirrels tend to steal them before we can get to them. But sun-warmed tomatoes fresh out of the garden are one of summer's great pleasures, so I'm determined to do whatever it takes this year!

As for the chimney pots used to border the raised beds, the Corinthian column, and the random fence door to nowhere, all I can say is that we've done the best we can with what was here when we moved in. When we decide to take on a more extensive patio renovation, these things will be among the first to go!

Now I can get back to tiling with a clear garden conscience!

* This seems to be a theme. Is this why our shower project is taking an eternity to finish?

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