August 29, 2011

Pardon Me, But...

Why yes, we do happen to have a door painted the color of Grey Poupon! When we moved into the house, we also had a pink door, light brown doors, dark brown faux painted doors, orangey doors, white doors, doors covered with bamboo blinds, louvered bifold doors and unpainted French doors! Yikes! When we began painting our way through the house, we decided to pick one color for the trim and doors to make the spaces more unified. We chose Benjamin Moore Mayonnaise in a satin finish. It looks exactly like the color of mayo - off white and creamy - but the name is terrible! I've since taken to calling it "Creampuff."

Here's a selection of our doors from back in 2008.

I think after seeing that, anyone could appreciate the need to simplify! We actually replaced a lot of these doors with ones of the same panel design as the originals that we were lucky enough to find at an architectural salvage place in Washington, DC (The Brass Knob's Door Warehouse). At this point, most of the doors are painted, and today I tackled one of the worst offenders. It's the door to the future guest bedroom (currently our workshop) located at the top of the stairs. That means that it's visible from the downstairs hallway and it's the first thing you see when you go up the stairs. Uugh!

Here's a before shot in all of its mustard and BBQ sauce glory (I'm on a condiment theme here). I'll try not to get started on the Pepto colored bathroom door to the right.

I primed with one coat of Zinsser 1-2-3 and painted another coat with the previously mentioned "Creampuff"  (okay, Mayonnaise). It'll need one more coat before I can call it good, but I'm already so happy with the change!

Why exactly did I wait over two years to do that? I mean, I guess I've been pretty busy painting all of the other doors/surfaces in the house, but really! So much more peaceful, and dare I say sane?

It fits so much better with the rest of the house (see the white at the top of the stairs?). No more mustard!

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